Team Thornstein

Our team

Thornstein Groep is one of the largest IT sourcing consultancy firms in the Netherlands and negotiates on behalve of its clients with the biggest IT suppliers in the world. We have a varied and dynamic team of colleagues who advices large enterprises in the Netherlands on complex IT sourcing strategies and implement them with great impact. In addition to hard work, there should always be time for fun. That makes our group a fantastic team of experts.

teamfoto thornstein op het strand met een ondergaande zon
Thornstein Team - The experts
teamfoto thornstein groep
Thornstein Team - Shining
teamfoto thornstein op het strand
Thornstein Team - Fun time

Neem contact met ons op

Heeft u interesse in onze dienstverlening of wilt u een oriënterend gesprek inplannen dan kunt u direct contact opnemen met Thornstein Groep.


Postbus 75420, 1070 AK Amsterdam


+31 (0) 20 26 101 55